Kevin Stone


Kevin Stone always wanted to see his work in print, which is fortunate, since this biography is going to be on a book that is printed, bound, and (hopefully) read by you.

Throughout his childhood and into his teens, Kevin had an unrelenting passion for reading. This passion led creative writing, including becoming Editor of his high school’s Writer’s Forum. His voracious reading habits have been thriving for years. As he has found the time to read, write, and illustrate graphic novels, Kevin also makes a living as a Graphic Designer and Creative Director, pursuits in which he enjoys writing copy…and the occasional witty headline.

Kevin lives in Tampa, Florida with his family, two dogs (one very good, one naughty), two guinea pigs, a rabbit, and a menagerie of plush critters who frequently come to life through a child’s dabbling in ventriloquism, imagination, and an assertion that there is no such thing as too many animals under one roof.

Kevin’s family moved around when he grew up. A lot. From Massachusetts to Missouri, they ultimately landed in Vermont. Not having Vermonter roots offered him the unique perspective of the outsider, never fitting in as a native son, always observing from a distance. His childhood experiences inspired him to write The Onion Ring Lover’s Guide to Vermont.

“It’s not a true story. I didn’t grow up in an ersatz roadside attraction, but there is truth in there. There’s no Christmas Island or Strawberry Falls, but there is a real state of Vermont, and it’s far more beautiful, unique, and strange than I could ever convey in one book.”